Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Van

Well today we finally found a van that we could afford and that we really did like. I have been without a car for the past month and I had no idea how hard that was going to be with being stuck around the house with the boys until Tim got home each afternoon. But that has all come to an end by the grace of God! So here is our "new" to us Honda Odyssey. It is just what we needed and so far we love it! The funny thing is that it is the exact same color as out other van both inside and out.



The Rose Queen said...


You sure updated today. I am glad 'cause I love your blog!

Bridget said...

YAY Vans!! I need one:)

Welcome to the Mouse House said...

I am so happy for you that you finally have a car again! We have the same van and we love it!

Nicole said...

Good for you to have a vehicle back. And just the perfect size.

Mine just got towed to the dealer.

The Garske's said...

Honda's are the BEST!! We have a Honda Pilot and I love it!! Yay for a new car!!

3LittleFlowers said...

Yaay for the new van!!! Im dying to get ours.... And this one is on the list... We'll see!!!!

Andrea said...

I also have a Honda Odessey! I love it!!!