Friday, February 29, 2008

The life of Cam.....

Ok I decided to add a little something to my blog called "Cammieisms". As many of my family members know Cameron has a way with words, he never ceases to amaze me by what he says. So when a new one comes out I will start posting them on here to share them with you all. So here is the first one....

This happened a couple weeks ago and some of you have heard it but it is still to funny.

So we had just finished eating dinner and Cameron stood up, drank the rest of his water and proceeded to burp. He then puts his hand on his chest and says, " ewu, I don't remember eating that", and just walked away from the table leaving Tim and I rolling.

One more thing, how many 3 year olds love to eat their eggs over easy? Here are a couple pictures of him enjoying his breakfast this morning. Funny Kid!



I finally got it.....

Yea we finally got our new loptop. So now I can really go to town on my new hobby, my blog. I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who take the time to check this blog out. I really love to be able to share my family with each of you. It has been so nice to know that all our families and friends that are living so far away can still see what goes on in our house on an almost daily basis. So if their is anything else you would like to see on here, just let me know and I will see what I can do about adding it. Oh and here is a picture of my newest toy.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Month Older

Some one is another month older..........


Yep you guessed it, its that little monster Cooper. He is now 9 months old, yikes! He is more active than ever right now. Heaven forbid you try to keep him on your lap unless he is nursing. Otherwise you better be letting him explore. It is daily that I have to dig something out of his mouth that the older boys have left on the floor. That scares me to death! How do they find half that stuff anyway, I swear some that stuff is invisible to the adult eye but man he can see it and in the mouth it goes. He is now starting to let go and stand for a few seconds before sitting down. So walking is not to far off. Where did my baby baby go?


Yesterday Cameron left the "big boy" tox box open and I found Cooper trying to get some toys out, so I had to get a picture. But then when I said, " hey, what are you doing in there?", this is what happened....


I think I scared him, he cried for almost 5 minutes after that. Sorry Sweetie Mama didn't mean to scare you!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cousin Treven

Treven has become a very picky eater and has been losing weight instead of gaining so Kyle and Kelly are doing what ever it takes to get him to eat. Here is our cutie pie eating yogurt with his favorite mini M&M's. What ever it takes, right? We also found out this week that Treven will be getting a baby brother in July. The baby looks to be doing great in there. Yahoo one more boy! Poor Nana and Papa all grandsons. Oh well they love them anyway!!!
Photobucket Spoon, ha yea right, that's no fun!


Photobucket We love you cutie pie!!! Next time I will get some pictures of Kelly and that new little one on the way.

Derby Car Day

Well today Spencer and Cameron started on their Pinewood Derby cars. With help from Tim, Uncle Kyle and Papa they got a great start on them.
Photobucket Once Spencer and Cameron decided on what shape they wanted their cars, Uncle Kyle fired up his saw and began to cut out the cars from their blocks of wood. Then Spencer began to sand and sand and sand until he got it how he wanted it.


Then Papa was in charge of helping Cameron with sanding his......he used the electric sander, but got it smooth enough, as Cameron would say,"to pet".

Photobucket Here are the boys with their cars all ready to be painted and designed. So I will updated soon when they are all ready to go for the March 8th races.



Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Little Chef.....

Photobucket As some of you know Cameron got a kitchen for Christmas from Santa. But yesterday he wanted to cook in my kitchen with me. So we decided we were going to make homemade potato soup. He thought he should peel the potatoes but as you see we decided that washing them was more is speed.
Photobucket Here he is helping me put the cut potatoes into the pot. Then he helped me chop the onions. He has the quick chopper down and loves to be able to do that cutting.


Here he is helping with the seasoning, and getting the pot on the stove to cook.


While they were cooking I was then able to finally get him in the shower to tame that hair of his. So that explains the change of clothes and wet hair. He did a great job stiring and tasting as it cooked.


Then the long wait was finally over. Time for a big bowl of fresh potato soup. He had no problem eating the whole bowl and asking for seconds.

Photobucket While on his second bowl, Cooper comes strolling by and looks inraged that he didn't get his bowl. Just look at that face of shock he has.


But since he can't have milk yet he had to settle for his next favortie thing to eat.....a waffle. He was satisified with it.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This Is Why We Love Colorado


It has been a great day to just get out and enjoy the calm before the storm. Snow will be back tomorrow. What better way to enjoy it then going to the park. We spent a couple of hours there today and had our lunch there to. Cameron loves to climb all over everything, up and down the slides, and "flying" like Superman.


Then Cooper is just fine swinging the whole time. Get a look at those teeth, we are finding them to be very dangerous little weapons...aka he loves to bite....hard!

Photobucket Then we decided to call it a day and head home, but not until Cooper had one more french fry with Cameron.


Haircuts and Friends....

Well Spencer had the day off from school yesterday, so he begged me to shave his head again. So after the 50th time of him asking I got the clippers out and went to town. Man that kid has some of the thickest hair when it gets that long. After I finished he was so happy to "not have to wet down and comb his hair before school". This was a battle each and every morning getting ready. So I guess I am secretly happy it is all gone to, one less thing to get done each morning.



I'm not sure about Spencer's teeth. I'm thinking braces are in his future. He still has baby teeth that need to get out of there so the others can come in correctly. But I guess it is a sign of him growing up, as much as I hate to admit that it is happening right before our very eyes.

Here is one more picture of three boys that I love almost as much as my own. These are my very best friend Amy's boys, Drew, Ryland and Sir Mason. Our boys get along so good and we enjoy having them over anytime.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Love Good Weather

The weather here these past few days have been so nice. It even was nice enough to melt the snow in the back yard so that the boys could get out there and play. So here are a few shots of them out there having some fun, and out of my hair for a couple hours.


Photobucket These last two are of Spencer working on his back flip skills. I think he still has some more practicing to do, but he is almost there. He is going to be very athletic.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Today started off with Cameron being upset that Spencer was getting to go to school with all his Valentine cards, and was also going to have a party at school, I decided that we would do something special for him today. So we made Valentine cupcakes for some of our nieghbors.

Cameron is my little chef, and loves helping, and tasting everything we are making. Here is the making.......


and here is the tasting.....

Photobucket But we could not leave Cooper out, he had to have a little taste too.


Cameron was a big help in getting the cupcakes ready for the oven, but would have been just fine eating the batter.

Photobucket Cooper decided that he needed to taste test them before they got the frosting, and by the way he is showing off those pearly whites he loved them.


Cameron loved doing the piping on them, and I'm not sure but I think he ate more of the sprinkles than he put on the cupcakes. It was so fun to watch him so intent on getting them just how he wanted. He had the "Settle" tounge out and everything.


Tah Dah........He looked so proud of himself when he finished
Photobucket And what comes next........? You guessed it, he had to try one, but as usual he only ate the frosting and left the cake for the dog.


Will They Ever Stop?

Photobucket Spencer has learned to turn on the charm when he wants something for himself, but he also has learned to be the big brother that loves to pick on his younger brother. There are days that I would love to be able to count how many times I have to ask those two to stop, or to be quite so that Cooper can sleep. Well today was no exception, so much for a day of love. The night started off nice, after dinner they all decided to take a bath with Cooper for the first time. Cooper has a blast with them and they had fun playing with him too.


Wait, I take it back there was that little scuffle earlier........

Photobucket Then they decided to pick up right where they left off before dinner. I know these pictures all show Spencer pounding on Cameron, but let me tell you that little squirt can be quite the instigator as well.


(Note the resemblence of Spencer to a young Kyle in this picture........crazy!)

The one thing about this behavior that scares the living tar out of me is, look who is watching and looking like he wants to join in already. Oh dear lord my future in the looney bin is looking more and more clearer....Please pray for me and my sanity.
