Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beautiful winter weather

You really would not know that it is February in Colorado with the way the weather has been. I mean 60's in February is just plain crazy! Tim and I have decided that we have gotten no snow this winter really because we bought the boys new sleds for Christmas. Figures! Oh well at least I can sent them out to play more. Cameron and Cooper have been plating outside a lot the last couple of days and in true boy fashion they end up filthy dirty! That is a sign of a good day for a boy. Here are a few pictures of them outside yesterday. I would also love to know when all this illness is going to stop? It seems like at least one of the boys has something this winter......enough is enough!





Getting ready for summer already!

This last weekend we went to see Rich and Carol and drove up to the land to check out the tent trailer for camping this summer. The trailer is an older one and has been sitting for a few years but with a little elbow grease and touch ups here and there it should work just fine for us for at least this summer. The boys are super excited and want to go camping NOW! They have yet to understand that it gets COLD at night here! Here are some pictures of the boys running around the land, it was a beautiful day. Once we are off the main road there is a long dirt driveway up to the house and we let the boys sit on Tim's lap and "drive" to the house. I got pictures of Cameron but forgot to get some of Spencer. Darn it!














Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Day Party

Today was Cameron's Valentines Day party at his school. I was able to leave Cooper with our neighbor and go up and spend the morning with Cameron. We played silly games like a version of musical chairs but instead of being out if you don't find a chair, you just sit on some one's lap. We got to frost and decorate sugar cookies, and got to look at all of our neat Valentines from our classmates. When we were all done we had to sing our special song before we left. It was a very fun morning!













Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blog slacker!

OK Grandma here is the update that you have been begging for. I'm so sorry I have been such a slacker! The worst part is I have no real excuse except pure laziness. I have found it hard to get motivated this winter when our routine is well......routine. We are not out doing as much for some reason, I think it has to do with half the day is spent with Cameron in school and once he gets out it is time to eat and put Cooper down for a nap, so that has been limiting us I guess. Tim said that I need to take pictures of us watching TV, doing homework and playing on the computer and you would get the idea of how boring our life is right now. But I would hate to bore you that much. So I guess what I'm saying is that I will try to make a more conscious decision about getting out and keeping you all entertained. Thanks for still visiting my blog though.

Swimming Lessons started again

Well the boys decided to do swimming this spring instead of soccer. Well the lessons started tonight.

We were a little worried about Cameron. He has never liked the water. Taking a shower and getting his hair washed is always a struggle. When we were in California back in September he would not go past the second step in the pool unless we forced him to come out deeper with either Tim or myself, even then he had a death grip on our necks. Well much to our surprise he was so excited to start his lessons. He splashed, put his face in the water and even let the instructor help him float on his back. I was amazed! So maybe we are going to get a handle on this fear of his.

Spencer on the other hand has always been our little fish from early on in his life. So he started in the classes that focus more on the actual strokes. He did great, no surprise. The only bad thing was his ankle was pretty sore tonight after using it more without a splint in the water. The water is suppose to be really good for helping rehab it at least. Oh but he won't let that keep him out of the water, he made sure to let me know that.








Photobucket You can kind of see his yellow ankle




Who taught this kid to eat?

Cooper is by far the messiest eater of all three boys I think! Oh my gosh I can not turn my back for a second if he is feeding himself. Which by the way is all the time now, as he refuses to let me help without going into a full blown temper tantrum. Well Sunday I made some mashed potatoes and gravy. I was busy fixing the other two's plates and turned to see this......








I think he has more of his dad's genes!

Trip to the ER on Superbowl Sunday

Well on Superbowl Sunday we went to our friends Lisa and Jim's house to watch the big game. We were all having a good time until Cameron came up to Tim and I and said that Spencer had fell down the stairs and couldn't walk. So we find out that he had slipped on the stairs and twisted his ankle. As time went on it kept getting more and more swollen, until Tim and I decided he needed to go get a X ray. Well luckily it was not broken but he did tear all the ligaments in his ankle. He had a splint cast on for a few day and was on crutches. Then they switched him to an air splint with his crutches and now he has just the splint to wear everyday. It is still pretty sore and looks bad, but he is getting around really well now. It is amazing how the young heal so fast!

Here are a few pictures of his ankle over the past few days.

Day 3

Photobucket Day 3


Day 8

Photobucket ewwww!