Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recycled T Rex

Spencer had a science challenge this month to try to make a Dinosaur out of materials that could be recycled. So we had been saving possible materials all month, and began to work on it today for tomorrow's deadline. We had so much fun together, and he was so creative with his ideas, I just had to try to make it all work. So this is what we came up with.



PhotobucketWith the milk carton head you can make him roar through where you pour the milk out. Then the yarn that holds on his head lets him turn his head from side to side. Great ideas Spencer!


Brooke McIntire said...

That is AWESOME! There's no telling what Jray would've come up with! I'd be scared to find out with his crazy imagination! And I've started planning Nate's party in my head! I have the date set (gonna do it on the actual bday since it's a holiday), and know the theme, etc, and what I want to get, just haven't gotten any of it yet! We're just doing a rainbow theme.

The Rose Queen said...

It looks great!! Great job Spencer, I bet you had the best looking dino in the class!

That Nora Girl said...

That's such a creative idea!

Nicole said...

WOW. The project idea is already neat. But your son did a fantastic job and I love that5 it can ROAR, too.

Jen said...

Good job! Very creative and cool!