Man I need to learn to run faster cause I keep getting tagged. Plus maybe we need some principle from some random school to outlaw tag on our blog playground. I really would hate for someone to get hurt or pushed down......ya know. OK....OK......fine I'm it, here it goes.
My DEAR friend Pauline has tagged me so here goes.
The rules: Once you have been tagged, you write a post with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. Then choose a blog to be tagged, and include why you chose it. Don’t forget to leave a comment for the next blogger ("you're it, read my blog for details"). You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your 10 things.
1. I'm sitting here watching Jon & Kate Plus 8 laughing and I'm thanking the Lord that it is them and not me...phew!
2. I didn't eat any "real" dinner tonight except for a small bag of Chili and Cheese Fritos....Oy Vay I'm never going to lose this weight.
3. I wear my PJ's to take Spencer to school just about every morning. I also am doing good if I even get my hair combed.
4. I hate the sound of grinding teeth, and Cooper has just learned how to do that and it is driving me crazy.
5. I have red and blond highlights in my hair.
6. The most disgusting food ever is liver. I can almost make myself puke just thinking about eating it. I can't even talk to my mom if she is cooking it for my dad and I can hear it frying over the phone. OK enough I'm starting to get sick just typing this.
7. I hate, hate, hate having dry skin. The boys hate, hate, hate lotion. Where did they get that from? TTTIIIIMMM!!!!(terrible roll model)
8. I think I said this before somewhere but it deserves to be repeated. I'm scared of bumper cars. Bad childhood experience.
9. I really wish I had a bigger house and more money and I would maybe try one more time for a girl. My luck though I would be a Mom to 4 boys.
10. As soon as I'm done BFing I'm so going all out for weight loss, whatever it takes, cause I want to go meet my friend Pauline........its a deal I have going with Tim.
Ok I'm going to tag Kari-Anne. This is one amazing women. She has the most beautiful family, and she is also a foster parent, a VERY thankless job if you ask me. She is also very positive and upbeat person. Oh and takes beautiful pictures as well.
Little Motorcycle Racer
10 years ago
I loved reading that Gentri. OMG you really made me giggle. You are clever with your words!
You say the word and I have going to lose with you. Even if I am bf'g I'll go along with you. I am depressed every time I see a new pic of me and can't wait to meet you, LOL.
Gentri you are so sweet and thanx for the tag .. I am going to work on it now :o)
Thank you for reading my blog also and making my day when you leave a comment .
You know I think this is how I am ment to live my life and do my little thing to help the rest of the world :o) thank you for seeing that :o)
Hugs K-A
Hi :o)
I wrote my list and did my tag :o) I forgive you for not writing much this week as there are weeks like that when not alot goes on . Hope you take some pictures this evening ..
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