Monday, April 21, 2008

Lots of working outside

Well while Tim was gone all last week the boys, my Dad and I took on some projects in the yard. First and for most we cut those God awful juniper bushes out of our front yard. Man those things are just nasty things to deal with. My forearms have scratches and a rash to prove it. I totally forgot to take a before picture, but I do have one of them covered in snow from earlier this winter.
Photobucket As you can see they were totally blocking our entrance to our front door. So with a lot of hard work like Cameron is doing in this picture...


And after a few hours and a whole truck load later....

Photobucket This is the new and improved front walkway. Oh never mind Cameron crying in his timeout on the stairs, who knows what he did to get there, it is to hard to remember what each of his timeouts are about since it is a regular occurance in our house.


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