Friday, April 25, 2008

School Carnival

Well last night we went up to Spencer's school carnival. They had a really good turn out which is really good for the school. I made a cake and some banana-apple bread for the cake walk. I'm very happy to say that we did not end up winning back any cake either. That is the last thing that I need in my house right now with starting this weight loss project, and I do mean project.
Here are a few pictures of the boys last night.

This first one is Spencer standing by his picture of him dressed as Harry Potter for Halloween, it is in the main hall way of his school.
Photobucket The boys were so excited to spend their tickets that we had to almost tie them to the table.
Photobucket Then here are a few pictures of them just going from booth to booth winning as many prizes as they could.






Then the same guy that was at his birthday party was there and there was more reptiles to be held. This time he had a couple of baby tortoises, they were so cute!




1 comment:

The Rose Queen said...

Oh now I am mad!!! I just tried to post and it disapeared. Let me try this again...
It looks like the boys had fun and I bet Spencer spent most of the time by the reptiles.