Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Garden is Planted.

The boy's and I finally got the garden all planted today. Thanks to Dad for getting Auntie's tiller and getting my soil ready for the plant. So now with the seeds in the ground it is a hurry up and wait game. I will now have a barrage of questions like, "are they growing yet?", "how much longer until we have vegetables?" and of course "can I pick this one yet?". But it is all in the gardening experience with kids, and we wouldn't have it any other way!




Photobucket I love this picture!



Thanks for all your hard work boys!


Bridget said...

oh how fun!!

That Nora Girl said...

It's amazing that just a week after your snow day post, your boys are out gardening in their t-shirts and shorts! Good luck with your garden!

The Rose Queen said...

Look at him... oh a cook!! Allison is so excited!! Anyway, he is so flippin cute.

Oh and the boys helped plant?? How wonderful! I am sure they will enjoy the veggie rewards.

Andrea said...

How exciting! I really want to plant a garden! Maybe next year. What did you plant?