Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun at Grandma Carol and Papa Rich's House

Well I have a been a bit of a slacker these last few days in getting my blog up dated. As the weather gets warmer I find myself not having much time here at the computer cause we are outside most of the day.

Here are a few pictures of the boys down in Pueblo. We went down there to help Tim's Mom and Step Dad get some work done in the yard at their house in town. They have been staying there to save money on gas. That driving back and forth to their Beulah home really adds up in gas $$. Spencer was a big help in removing the bushes but he got a little bored and wanted to go to the park right by the house.

Photobucket Spencer finally got brave and did the fire pole this time.


Cameron loves the Merry-go-round. Thank God no one took pictures of me trying to push it as fast as I could for him. The faster the better for him he thinks. I get sick just watching it go in circles.

PhotobucketThen Cooper just thought it was fun eating the grass. He was a pretty big fan of Spilo(the dog behind him). She is such a good dog for not being around kids that much, she just let him pull, climb and chase her all day long.

Then the boys found a couple of hat/helmets in the basement and put them on. They had a really fun day down there.




On the car ride home Spencer had his Ipod and rocked out to that while Cooper and Cameron crashed.



Always a sign of a good day!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

oh my gosh that last picture is so great! I love how he is totally asleep, yet still grasping on to the watering can! I have yet to go down the fire pole, he is brave! LOL!