Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oh that Cameron....


Well Cameron has said a few more things that I wanted to share. He loves to talk and he always has some pretty good and observent statements like the one he said this morning.....

We were on our way back home after dropping Spencer at school and he said...

Cameron- "Mom can we stop at the gas station and get me some chocolate dounuts?"

Me- " Sorry bud I left my money at the house"

Cameron- " What Mom? Did Dad take money out of your purse again, so you don't have enough money to buy dounuts?"

(Tim does take money out of my purse once in a while to get some coffee on his way to work. One time I went to the grocery store to get something and went to pay and didn't have enough money to pay cause he had taken some that morning, so now when I tell Cameron that I don't have the money to get something for him, he thinks it is because Tim took it. hahaha, Tim you have been exposed!)

One more cute thing...

Cameron said to me, "Mom, can we go watch Transformers at the movie ate her again?" Yes that is how he says movie theater.

I love you, you little comedian!


The Rose Queen said...

I love that!! My 7yr old will still tell dad "you have to pay mom so she can by xy&z." I tell her at times, "I haven't gotten paid by daddy"

Too cute!

Audreee said...

Ha! He totally busts your husband. That is funny.

That Nora Girl said...

Men are never safe from the prying eyes and ears of their children! Haha :)