Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Ranch

Well the first day we took the boys to help out on the ranch. They had a blast. First they had to help Josh with milking the cow. I really thought that they would be a little more apprehensive but oh no they jumped right in there.


Cameron even gave it a shot and then Tim had to try.



Then it was time to gather eggs, and they all had to show the eggs they got.



I totally forgot to take my camera out when we went to check the cattle for new babies. So Tanya will have to email me the pictures so I can show you Cameron sitting on "Olive's" back, and the two new little calfs.

After all that it was time for lunch and Spencer got to have some fresh, raw milk from the cow that he had milked. He loved it!

Photobucket Then it was time for Tim's daily nap, I know that is the only reason he volunters to put Cooper to sleep, cause he gets to sleep with him.


We had a great day!

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