Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Haircuts and Friends....

Well Spencer had the day off from school yesterday, so he begged me to shave his head again. So after the 50th time of him asking I got the clippers out and went to town. Man that kid has some of the thickest hair when it gets that long. After I finished he was so happy to "not have to wet down and comb his hair before school". This was a battle each and every morning getting ready. So I guess I am secretly happy it is all gone to, one less thing to get done each morning.



I'm not sure about Spencer's teeth. I'm thinking braces are in his future. He still has baby teeth that need to get out of there so the others can come in correctly. But I guess it is a sign of him growing up, as much as I hate to admit that it is happening right before our very eyes.

Here is one more picture of three boys that I love almost as much as my own. These are my very best friend Amy's boys, Drew, Ryland and Sir Mason. Our boys get along so good and we enjoy having them over anytime.



The Rose Queen said...

That is so cool that you both have 3 boys. I have a couple of friends who have 3 girls and one with 3 boys right across the ct. My kids pretty much play with the boys daily.

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails said...

Yeah except Amy got brave and had one more and it turned out to be her girl. But you would think that she would be a tomboy with all those boys but she is the biggest princess....I love her! I'll have to post a picture if I can find it of her and Cameron, and Cameron is wearing her black dress shoes and his underwear....so funny!