Yep you guessed it, its that little monster Cooper. He is now 9 months old, yikes! He is more active than ever right now. Heaven forbid you try to keep him on your lap unless he is nursing. Otherwise you better be letting him explore. It is daily that I have to dig something out of his mouth that the older boys have left on the floor. That scares me to death! How do they find half that stuff anyway, I swear some that stuff is invisible to the adult eye but man he can see it and in the mouth it goes. He is now starting to let go and stand for a few seconds before sitting down. So walking is not to far off. Where did my baby baby go?
Yesterday Cameron left the "big boy" tox box open and I found Cooper trying to get some toys out, so I had to get a picture. But then when I said, " hey, what are you doing in there?", this is what happened....
I think I scared him, he cried for almost 5 minutes after that. Sorry Sweetie Mama didn't mean to scare you!
Come on mom, he wants to play like the big boys play! I didn't realize he was a whole month older than Al. Al just turned 8mos yesterday. I hope this is a wonderful month for Cooper. Oh and be happy that he doesn't want to be on your lap constantly!
He is having so much fun digging in the big toy box.
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