Thursday, June 12, 2008

Take Me Out To The Ballgame.....

Well the season has officially started and Spencer had his first game on Tuesday. Spencer is playing what is called "modified T-ball". This is where the coach pitches 5 balls and if they don't hit them then they can hit off the tee. Well Spencer is a very good batter and has not needed the tee yet. It kind of makes me nervous that there are some smaller kids that just don't pay attention and he can hit the ball pretty hard, I just hope he doesn't hit one of them. He is super excited that his best friend Jack also plays on his team, and Jack's Dad is the coach.





Spencer and Jack


Excuse the wind but here is one of his hits.
Spencer Baseball


The Garske's said...

OMG, that is so cute them playing baseball! That was a great hit!!

Jer said...

I just love going to my son's games too! He is on the 4-5 yr old t-ball league. They only get 2 pitches and one chance to hit off the tee though.

That was a nice hit! If I were those other kids, I'd be lookin' out!

3LittleFlowers said...

Great hit!!!
I cant wait for my girls to start playing sports!!