This week has been a very busy week for us as a family. We had Grandma Jo's funeral and got to see lots of family that we had not seen in years. But the big thing this week was Spencer was in Cub Scout Camp all week. It was a day camp that I had to have him to the carpool each morning by 7:00am, which with no car meant leaving our house by 6:40am and dragging two extra little ones out of bed too. Let me just tell you today was almost impossible to get Spencer up and going today, his butt was dragging.
He spent the week in the Wild, wild, west, as it was the theme of this years camp. He came home with all kind of really neat crafts like a sun dial, compass, constellation pop can, drum, covered wagon, leather bracelet, and a key ring. He also shot bb guns, bows and arrows, rode horses, did obstacle courses, and completed lots of his wolf requirements. He left each morning showered and in clean clothes but returned home one big pile of dirt. In a little boys world that is a good day.

This is how he looked when he left this morning

This his how he came home to me

This is Spencer with his best friend Jack and his little brother Andrew. You would have thought they had enough of the outdoors this week, but oh no Spencer left tonight to go camping with Jack and his family and will be back home on Sunday.

These were some of his crafts that he made at camp this week. I'm glad he had such a good time!