Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Busy Boys!

PhotobucketHere are a few pictures of the boys keeping busy. It is now next to impossible to keep Cooper in one spot for very long. He always has some place to go, or so he thinks anyway.


Here he is showing off those pearly whites, in that adorable smile of his. He also is always on a mission to get to those stairs whenever possible.

Photobucket Imagine that he found them........again!


Here is Cammie "cooking" up a storm in my kitchen. He is always up to something, that's for sure!

Photobucket And finally here is Spencer, he just got home from school and has his silly putty and is making copies of the cartoons in the newspaper.



The Rose Queen said...

Well it is good that they are busy and not picking on each other like my girls like to do. ?? Does Cooper bite with those teeth?

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails said...

oh Pauline, they are mater picker oners! This was a very rare ocation. Plus Spencer was at school for most of the day which helps. Cooper is just now starting to bite. He bit Spencer's nose the other day and that really did not go over very well. Thanks for stopping by!

Noratiqah a.k.a Nora said...

Seems like they are busy with their own chores ;)